from the President

Message from the President

amnimo began with ambitions of just one man working at a large company. Meeting with numerous people employed at leading-edge IoT companies, I learned a great deal, and I began thinking about what the ideal model of such a company might look like. Eventually I realized that my team and I could create a service that nobody else was offering.

We would launch a service to connect IIoT sensors and devices.

All of amnimo’s 2017 IIoT projects began with consultation and design. This is because each aspect was compartmentalized: Sensor manufacturers knew only about sensors, gateway producers about gateways, mobile-telephone companies about SIMs and circuits, and cloud operators about the cloud. We faced a choice of either gathering the encyclopedic knowledge necessary to connect these disparate components ourselves or relying on a system integrator to do the work for us at great expense. And that was just for the proof of concept! Rather than accept this ridiculous state of affairs, we thought: Why not obtain the direct support of a major partner such as Microsoft, leverage that support to maximum benefit, and focus on providing safe and reliable measurement as a service (MaaS)? We proceeded with development on that basis.

Building the framework for IoT that can be used in industrial applications proved a hard road to travel. Just connecting sensors turned out to be so daunting that anyone thinking of imitating us would think it a needlessly roundabout approach. We set out on our journey alone.

Our goal was to create a framework that our many valued customers could immediately apply “as is” to their own value-creation challenges, skipping the arduous connection issues to focus on finding the new value that is their goal. With this mission fixed in our minds, we established a company dedicated to providing this framework as a service.

amnimo monitors the status of data paths and their security on a round-the-clock basis.We also supply the billing mechanisms necessary for commercialization.
Of course, measurement is only one half of our service. amnimo also seeks out value, creates solutions and tailors them to applications in each industry.

The amnimo framework can turbocharge your business development.
What value would you like to create today?